Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about complaining the government hospital.

Formal Letter

Letter to the editor complaining about a government hospital:


Date: 9/7/2024


The Editor,
The Himachal Times,

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my deep concern about the deplorable conditions at City General Hospital, our primary government healthcare facility. As a citizen and frequent visitor to the hospital, I feel compelled to bring these issues to public attention.

The hospital is severely understaffed, leading to long wait times and overworked medical personnel. Patients often wait hours, sometimes days, for essential treatments. The shortage of doctors and nurses compromises the quality of care provided.

Additionally, the hospital’s infrastructure is crumbling. Many wards lack basic amenities like clean bedding and functioning bathrooms. The hygiene standards are alarmingly low, posing a risk of secondary infections to already vulnerable patients.

The pharmacy frequently runs out of essential medicines, forcing patients to purchase them at higher prices from private pharmacies. This defeats the purpose of a government hospital meant to serve the economically disadvantaged.

I urge the health department to take immediate action to address these issues. Increased funding, better management, and stricter oversight are desperately needed to improve the hospital’s conditions.

I hope that through this letter the concerned authorities will definitely pay attention to this problem and the condition of the district hospital of our city will improve.

Abhay Raizada,
Shimla (HP)

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